On May 24th 2012, the Brother Group was endorsed as an “Eco First Company” by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ). Brother became the first “Eco First Company” in the printer industry.
“Eco First” Certification is given to the companies which commit to environmental protection initiatives.
The followings are details of the commitments.
Summary of Brother Group’s commitments made to “Eco First”
The Brother Group aims at:
1.Reducing effects on the environment and helping to create a low carbon society using all of Brother Group’s all resources
2.Contributing to the establishment of a used-consumables recycling system to create a recycling-oriented society
3.Improving employees’ environmental consciousness to encourage them to voluntarily participate in environmental activities
4.Promoting reforestation and forest conservation to contribute to biodiversity protection
About “Eco First”
“Eco First” was introduced by MOEJ to encourage leading environmentally proactive companies to make further efforts for environmental conservation activities.
The criteria to be chosen as an “Eco First Company” are a company’s advanced levels of commitment to environmental protection and activities.
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